Friday, May 8, 2009

Language IPA

This semester I've learned that I in fact do NOT want to become a linguist. For a while I thought it might be an exciting career and I thought it would over all be a lot of fun. But this semester made me realize how much of a bore this language class really is. The IPA is a waste of my time and I can't believe I have to memorize it. I mean I highly doubt I'll write an article using the IPA ( I really hope that's not our final!) My language class has made me realize that there's still a lot of forms of discrimination. I use to think it was just based on color of ones' skin and religion but my language class has brought me to the awful truth that people discriminate on even the way someone talks. Even worse it has made ME realize I discriminate on how I have discriminated based on some one's form of speech. My language class has made me realize the world is a cold cruel place. Hahaha just kidding! I love my language class! No but really Because of my language class I now realize why people in Ohio don't understand me...

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